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Headshot of Ashley Krause

About Ashley Casile (Krause)

Living just outside of Pittsburgh with my husband, Frank, our two cats, Stink and Pants. I am an ex-woman in tech, sustainability nerd, and pack rat. I collect vintage cameras, save every card I’ve received, and my prized possessions are family photo albums. I'm on a quest to find the best pad thai (right now it’s Thai Tamarind in Bellevue). Sometimes I have bangs, sometimes I'm blonde, but all the time, I am very laid back and I don't like to take my life too seriously. I'm a deeply nostalgic and sentimental person. Photos mean everything to me and that's why I do what I do, the way I do it.

I grew up in the era of PicNik and underwater disposables. I had a Flip video camera, a YouTube channel, and ~a dream~ I have always been an artsy-fart and learning how to use a camera in 2014 yearbook class sealed the deal. I credit all of this to my grandfather's love of capturing our family growing up, passed down to my mom, and onto me. I became the paparazzi friend which evolved to second shooting weddings in 2018. This changed my life. From then, I've invested in education and experiences to refine my style and continuously grow as an artist, communicator, and resource.

Frank and I are newly-wed as of June 2024!!! I'm grateful to have had the perspective of planning a wedding and experiencing becoming married plus all of the emotions first hand. I love the uniqueness of each wedding I have the honor of documenting and couple I connect with, Telling your story is at the heart of everything I do, so I can't wait to meet you and learn more about you, too!

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